Sitecore Stream launches at Sitecore Symposium 2024

Introducing Sitecore Stream, Sitecore’s biggest AI play to date

It seems like a long time ago since we were sitting in the front row of the SUGCON Europe keynote address in Dublin watching Sitecore Chief Product Officer, Roger Connolly, tease us with some of the upcoming AI features that were to be embedded in Sitecore tools like XM Cloud and Content Hub in the near future.

That was in April of this year. It’s taken six months to see these features to roll out but it has certainly been worth the wait. At last week’s Sitecore Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee, Sitecore Stream got an official launch and it was the biggest splash of the week.

There has been a huge amount of noise in the AI space over the last couple of years since ChatGPT started getting serious mainstream adoption, most of which includes a healthy dollop of hyperbole thrown in for good measure.

However, there are some great examples in the tech space of AI features being bolted on to existing tools to supercharge them. There doesn’t have to be an all-singing, all-dancing standalone AI tool that is touted to work wonders, but rather AI-powered features that can compliment existing tools that users are already familiar with and use on a regular basis.

Read the full article on the Sagittarius blog.